Create an account on BlazingCDN

Written by BlazingCDN

Written by BlazingCDN

December 26, 2022

1. Use the link from your web browser to land on the sign up page.

2. Here, use the Email and Password fields to set the credentials for registering on the platform.

3. In case you want the password to be auto-generated, click the Generate Password.

4. Once the credentials are entered, click Continue with email button. This takes you to the User Profile screen.

5. In case you are already an active member of the BlazingCDN community, click the Sign In button from the bottom to log in and get to the home screen.

6. From the User Profile screen, enter your full name using the First Name and Last Name fields.

7. Enter your mobile number by selecting the country code from the dropdown and entering the number in the Phone number field below the Mobile Phone heading.

8. Enter your billing address, country, state, city, and postal code using the corresponding fields under the Billing Address heading.

9. Select the account type by making the required selection from the checkboxes next to the Account Type heading.

10. Once the details are entered, click the Create Account button. Doing so creates your account on BlazingCDN and takes you to the BlazingCDN dashboard.

Now that we have covered the registration workflow, let us move towards the next step where we will learn how to create a CDN zone.